

Support Project for Expansion of the Use of food and ingredients
produced in Japan by sending Chefs to Japanese Food
and Ingredient Supporter Stores Overseas.

This project has ended


We will co-operate with Japanese Food and Ingredient Supporter Stores.


We are currently looking for chefs and overseas supporter stores to collaborate.

株式会社 VIDA Corporationは、日本産農林水産物・食品の輸出拡大を図るため、農林水産省補助事業「日本産食材サポーター店への料理人派遣を通じた日本産食材利用拡大支援事業」を実施しております。

VIDA Copration Co.,Ltd. is carrying out the "Support Project for Expansion of the Use of food and ingredients produced in Japan by sending Chefs to Japanese Food and Ingredient Supporter Stores Overseas" which is supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
The goal is to expand the exports of food and ingredients produced in Japan.



What is the "Expand the Use of Food Produced in Japan" project by sending chefs to the Japanese food and ingredient supporter stores overseas?




We will send the "Japanese chefs with a strong desire to work overseas" to collaborate with the "Overseas Japanese food supporter stores" with the goal of expanding the use of Japanese ingredients, and to develop and standardize menus using Japanese ingredients according to local needs.


Information for Chef

【募集対象】/An applicant

  • 日本在住の日本人料理人
  • 日本産食材に造詣があること
  • 海外進出の強い意思があること
  • Japanese chef who lives in Japan
  • Great knowledge of Japanese ingredients
  • Strong will to work overseas
    ※There are additional conditions

【役割】/ Responsibilities

  • 日本食や日本産食材に関する情報収集
  • 現地で入手可能な日本産食材を活用した、現地のニーズに即したメニュー開発
  • 日本食・食文化の発信(日本産食材を使用した料理の試食会等)
  • Collection of information on Japanese food and Japanese ingredients.
  • Develop menus using accessible ingredients from Japan, matched to local tastes.
  • Promote Japanese food culture (Organize tasting events, etc).

【メリット】/ Advantages


Chefs will be financially supported for travel, accommodation, and operational expenses so they can enjoy the new challenges of working overseas.


Procedure to be sent for chefs


Information for Japanese Food and
Ingredient Supporter Stores Overseas

What are supporter stores?


The overseas restaurants and retail stores that actively use and promote Japanese ingredients and alcoholic beverages certified by private organizations under the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries's "Japanese Food and Ingredient Supporter Store Certification Program".

【役割】/ Responsibilities

  • 派遣料理人が、日本産食材を使用したメニュー開発や試食会を実施する際に最大限の協力をする
  • 所在地域における日本産食材の使用状況、現地の食べ物や味の嗜好等の情報提供
  • Provide a great level of support to the chef for developing menus and organizing tasting events.
  • Provide information on the use of Japanese ingredients locally, local food and taste preferences, etc.

【メリット】/ Advantages


The chefs will be developing exciting new menus and dishes for the local taste, and this will lead to new customers and new Japanese ingredients opportunities for stores.


Procedure until accepting the chef for supporter stores

派遣予定時期The planned period


1st period:Aug-Sep, 2022


2nd period:Oct-Nov, 2022


※There are cases in which we will send chefs other than the above period. Please contact us for details.


Please consider applying for this opportunity


About the entity carrying out the project

株式会社 VIDA Corporation/VIDA Copration Co.,Ltd.

東京都渋谷区道玄坂一丁目22番9号 AD-O 渋谷道玄坂8階

1-22-9 AD-O 8th floor, Dogenzaka, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo

株式会社 VIDA Corporationは、農林水産省補助事業「日本産食材サポーター店への料理人派遣を通じた日本産食材利用拡大支援事業」の事業実施主体です。他にも、農林水産省補助事業「日本人日本食料理人の海外展開支援事業」も実施しています(平成30年度~令和3年度)。

VIDA Copration Co.,Ltd. is the entity carrying out the "Support Project for Expansion of the Use of food and ingredients produced in Japan by sending Chefs to Japanese Food and Ingredient Supporter Stores Overseas" which is supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. VIDA Corporation has carried out the project "Support the Overseas Expansion of Japanese Chefs" from 2018 to 2021 also supported by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries.
We provide interior design and construction for restaurants in Japan and overseas and support the expansion of Japanese restaurants overseas.